I founded my company in 2014. And I also specialized in the needs of the automotive industry. Before that, I was employed as a photographer for 6 years by a photographer who also specialized in the automotive industry. focus is on products (vehicles), but of course my daily work also includes looking after journalists, visualizing experts in their departments, and visualizing the work of the board members. Often I am allowed to create the visual language of a vehicle from the designer's first sketch to the final press or advertising photo and keep up with the history of the vehicle, which is extremely interesting to work with the individual departments but also to learn a lot about design and is value to use for further projects. my area of ​​responsibility also consistently included large events where the full strength of my company's team comes into play. The biggest events that I am allowed to oversee big world premieres such as The Audi Summit in Barcelona or San Francisco with a team of 12 people each show, I think, that we can reliably assume great responsibility. Furthermore, I have had the TISAX label for my company and I can therefore be used for all confidential and secret projects. And all of my employees have internalized confidential / secret data to act. On the technical side, I attach great importance to clean and new equipment that is always kept functional and is always redundant. To avoid the embarrassment of having to stop a shoot due to a technical defect. I hope that I have now given you a little insight into my company and am available for further discussions and questions at any time.

